It’s been rather a wash out so far with glimpses of the sun, punctuated with showers more worthy of April than July. Hopefully, we’ll all have our time in the sun, either at home for a ‘stay-cation’ or abroad.
Wherever you go, take yoga with you. With so many high quality teachers and classes now streamed online, technology can really come into its own. Download a few to your iPad and maintain your practice wherever you are.
If you’re braver, why not hunt out a class in your holiday location? One of my most amazing memories is when we spent Christmas in Istanbul. I remember doing a restorative yoga class on Christmas day, relaxing on my mat whilst the lights from the boats were reflected in the Bosphoros. Magical!
You’ll find yoga is a universal language and, whilst you may not be fluent in Turkish, French, Greek or Spanish, a down dog is a down dog across the globe!
I can’t wait to hearing about your travel tales when you come back to class, hopefully feeling refreshed and revived after your well earned breaks. Happy hols!
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